Friday, November 10, 2006

UPDATE: If only I were a mouse!

Original post of If only I were a mouse.

Hold on to your tutu ladies and gentlemen. I just read where researchers think "JET LAG" is detrimental to the health of a mouse!!!

"HOLY CRAP!" he exclaimed, "what will my mouse do with the plane tickets he has already purchased?"

I'm going to recommend to my mouse friends that when they travel they need to take it slow and easy.

These traveling mouses and their spouses should take the train across the land. Book passage on a ship for crossing water and never ever take a plane.

Of course this fits well with the mouse's staying cool and drinking red wine to live longer... they just have to stay off planes, sip their wine, put on their shades and be cool.

What will be the next thing to rear it's ugly head in our attempt to get a mouse to live forever?

I saw it here: Jet Lagged Mice

See you in the funny papers.....

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