Saturday, November 11, 2006

3 Blind Mice... have to trash this rhyme

I may have to start a blog just on mice or mouses or furry experimental animals other than rats. I guess it's good news for the mice that are blind but it shoots the hell out of the nursery rhyme about the 3 blind mice.

Now I read that scientists have "stunning" results in restoring the sight to blind mice. I kid you not I read it here.

So I have to go back to my original premise of If only I were a mouse.

Let's us review what I've read, just recently, about mouses and their spouses:
  • If they drink red wine they will live a lot longer than normal mouses even if they are fat and lazy.
  • If they stay cool they will live longer.
  • Jet-lag will shorten their life.
  • British scientists can restore the sight to blind mice.
I'm start'n to lean back in the direction that it isn't so bad being a mouse. Of course in the human world if you are fat and lazy, drink a lot of red wine, run your air conditioner year round to stay cool (unless just wearing sunglasses will do the trick), don't ever fly so you avoid jet-lag and are blind but go to Britain and have your sight restored you are probably in jail wait'n on a sex change operation at the governments expense.

Very thirsty miceOf course these mice still are living in little rectangular Tupperware houses with sawdust floors and have to share their water bottle with all the other inmates confined to their Tupperware cell.

Naw... I'll continue to take my chances in the human world.... forget the wine, wish I could lose the fat and get in shape, still rarely fly, try to stay cool and visit my eye doctor regularly and DON'T live in the Tupperware cell.... even if the sawdust is fresh.

See you in the funny papers.....

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